
Apr 2, 2011

A lesson in math

MAN. I finally did a CG that I'm really proud of. A Kaius x Marin one *grin grin grin*. I reallyyy want to post it here... but... if I show you guys everything there won't be any surprises in the actual game! That said, I don't know why I'm even blogging about it. I guess just to tease you guys? ^o^

What are you emoing about, Kaius?
Because I have to have a picture in every post, the CG I just finished comes right before this scene.

So yeah, getting REAL close to finishing up Kaius' route. I'd say 70% done. 20% is the remaining script, and 10% is the CGs... He has 3 CGs so far, which means he needs 7 more if I want to meet my goal of 40 CGs (10 per guy)... ORZ. Doesn't sound like much but I spend 3-4 hours on just one CG. 4x7 = 28 hours. That's like... over a whole day of nonstop CGing. FOR ONE ROUTE. I don't even want to do the math for the whole game, LOL -shrivels and dies-
 So I guess it's time for a lesson in math...

40 CGs is my goal.
I've completed a whopping total of 8.
40 - 8 = 32
32 CGs * 4 hours = 128 hours total = over 5 days of nonstop CGing
Hey.... that actually isn't that much O_O
Maybe I should increase that to 100 CGs? (ROFL YEAH RIGHT WHO AM I KIDDING)


  1. You should just stick to 40 CG's. And if you think the story warrants more after that... add them :)

  2. LOL take quality over quantity ;)

  3. Yeah you're right, 40 CGs it is! XD lol
