
Mar 27, 2011

New Menu in Progress

Title is self explanatory. I'm tired of looking at the old ugly menu so I'm working on a new one XD Here's a VERY VERY work in progress picture of the menu.

Marin has no legsss (yet)


Marin's hand looks weird, I know (it'll look better in the final product obv).
Its mostly the same thing as the old, just redrawn (Ive never been good at designing menus and stuff OTL)

And an updated checklist of the progress...

-Finish Script
-Have Script Proofread
-Redo Kaius' sprite
-Redo Lucan's Sprite 
-Redo Ryuu's Sprite
-Redo 'Extra' Sprites (Dad, Mom, & Oginuma-Sensei)
-Redo Menu Screen (In progress as we speak!!!)
-Make Daily Transition Screens
-Finish CGs
-(Optional) Make Opening Sequence 
-(Optional) Redo Haruhi & Ruiko's sprites Not doing it, I think they're fine
-(Optional) Further Customize Textbox (Or find someone to do it for me!) 

Phew... when you look at the list, it doesn't seem like much is left to do. I can whip out sprites pretty fast, and the transition screens will be cake. But. The script and the CGs are the MOST MAJOR THINGS IN A VN. Naturally this is going to take me... well, a LONG time. I'm making progress on the script each day. But the CGs. Oh god. I hate them. I hate them so much. Needless to say CGs will  be the very last thing to get crossed off this list XD


  1. I liked your OP~ Hoping to play this when it's out. BTW can I subscribe to your blog in any way? XD I wanna get updates but I don't wanna check this blog everyday >3< (Sry, I'm just lazy like that)

    And I hope you added a skip button. (An important feature many VNs forget ;_;)

  2. There's a button at the very top of the page that says 'Follow'. If you follow me it'll put my posts on your dashboard so you can see whenever I update ^o^~
    And yeah, there's definitely a skip button! lol. You can also skip by holding the CTRL key. But skip button is so much more convenient!
    Thank you for the comment! ^^

  3. thank you so much, i love it, i cry many times, i could merry it, i'am crazy don't pay atenttion to me xD but really thanks, and i have a question ... where i can download (P)lanets 2?
