
May 2, 2011

Poll Results

Results from the poll are in! Who's the most popular Planets guy?
For kicks & giggles, I drew a picture.

In first place: Kaius, with 37 votes. Congrats, Kaius-kun~~

Second: Ryuu, 18 votes
"W-whaat?! How did I lose to that guy?!"(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

Third: ...It's Haruhi XD?! With 12 votes rofl.
Haruhi: ヽ(・´∀`・)ノ "Ehh, I got votes? Thank you, everyone!!"

Dead last: Lucan. 9 votes. (ಠ_ಠ)


  1. yay Kaius won! He looks very cute on that picture!

  2. :O but he's so.....cold

    i'd of gone for Lucan :P

  3. Ok I love Kaius , the perfect tsundere , I wanted to ask if the game will have a true ending and if so who will be the canon couple ( I hope Kaius ans Marin , finger crossed )

  4. Awh! Haruhi was my favorite :3
    I just wish his story line was more developed ;_;
