
Apr 12, 2011


I've been working on it for a while but I have a side project kinetic novel in progress called Itsuka (Someday). I won't be working on it too much (it's almost done anyway, except the art) but I kind of need a break from writing like an excited teenage girl and I need to write more serious stuff sometimes :D

Here's the thread - Itsuka

Update with color (very very WIP)

This will be a small kinetic novel I'm working on as a side project. It began as a short story in my writing class. The assignment was to take one word and center a story around it. Obviously the word I got was 'someday'! Exciting yes?!

Here's the basic plotline:
Kinose is a student who feels the need to preserve things in photographs,
for fear they may disappear someday. Living a predictable life with his younger
sister and a good friend, it seems like he has nothing to worry about, but...
his feelings of paranoia won't let go...
Then, Kinose stumbles upon a field of wildflowers that he never saw before.
How strange to find it suddenly, in the small town he's lived in since childhood.
He gets an eerie feeling from the field, but consistently returns to it...
because of her.
The girl named Sora.
After meeting her, things finally begin to change...

So yeah, very different from Planets... I need to practice drawing girls so maybe its a good thing XD
This isnt going to stop me from working on Planets at all, I just need to take a break sometimes so I don't get burnt out.

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